Explore America

Explore America

Live the sophistication of the globe’s most powerful economy and walk the land of the godfathers who pioneered ancient astronomy by visiting the twin American lands today! ‘Move on Leisure’ is all set to help you experience what this mystic land holds through our lens. Sail on the Sea of Atlas and explore the land of the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs to know what flourished in their civilizations. Learn the legends of El Salvador and the lost city of Atlantic; Touch the walls that have scripted history, visit places that will welcome you into a cult, and lay your legs on the edge of warm saltwater beaches at their best. Journey with us to know why America is called the land of opportunities and explore to find out what makes it more!

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North America

Widely admired by travelers from the far east as the land of prairies, Canada is now home to one of the strongest economies in the modern world. From the Entertainment Capital of the World (Hollywood, LA) on the West to the City of Five Boroughs (State of NY) on the East, from Niagara Falls straddling the international borders in the North to the Yucatan Peninsula of the South, North America has found it all

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South America

The dawn of the sun, which once enlightened the geniuses of ancient astronomy, now attracts millions of tourists to its ecstatic cradle beauty. From its exotic beaches to the pristine mountain valleys, from its architectural ruin heritage to its most spectacular holiday destinations, South America is one place that’s a must on your travel itinerary

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